Ancient History

The Discovery and Decipherment of Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Written by adminky

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Egyptian hieroglyphs, the ancient script of the Pharaohs, have long captured the imagination of the world. With their intricate symbols and mysterious messages, they have inspired countless books, films, and works of art. But where did these mysterious symbols come from, and how were they deciphered? This article will explore the fascinating history of the discovery and decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The Discovery of Hieroglyphs

The discovery of Egyptian hieroglyphs can be traced back to the Rosetta Stone, an ancient artifact that The Rosetta Stone was a slab of black basalt inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC, in three scripts: Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and a script known as demotic. The Greek text provided the key to deciphering the mysterious symbols of the hieroglyphs, which had been lost to the world for over a thousand years.

The Decipherment of Hieroglyphs

The decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs is largely credited to the French scholar, Jean-Francois Champollion. He spent years studying the Rosetta Stone, comparing the Greek and hieroglyphic texts, and developing a system for reading the symbols. In 1822, he announced his breakthrough in a letter to the French Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres.
Champollion’s work was based on the recognition that some of the symbols represented the sounds of Egyptian words, and others represented ideas or objects. He also made use of Coptic, a form of the Egyptian language that was still used by the Coptic Christians of Egypt in the early 19th century. Coptic was written using the Greek alphabet, but contained many Egyptian words and phrases, which helped Champollion to decipher the meaning of the hieroglyphic symbols.


The discovery and decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs is a story of adventure, determination, and brilliant scholarship. Today, we can read the messages of the Pharaohs and learn about the rich history and culture of ancient Egypt.
But the work of deciphering the hieroglyphs is far from complete. New discoveries are constantly being made, and new techniques are being developed to shed light on the mysteries of the past. Who knows what secrets the hieroglyphs still hold, waiting to be uncovered by the next generation of scholars?


“The Rosetta Stone” by the British Museum, https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA-14
“Jean-Francois Champollion” by Encyclopædia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jean-Francois-Champollion was discovered by a French soldier in 1799.

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